Friday, November 7, 2014


I take part in this every year, and write enough words to be considered a "winner!"

Here is my problem - I start out a novel with a nice "normal" outline, and somewhere along the line, it simply gets into spanking, or domestic discipline, or some variation that involves kinky, but highly desirable behavior.

I give up! That kind of book must be what I am destined to write. I have honestly tried to write something different that I wouldn't be embarrassed for my children to know I wrote, but it just isn't going to happen.

In every situation I write about, I can see the female main character being submissive to the male character, almost always ending up over his lap for a sound spanking, or any number of other kinky scenarios.

I have started writing under a pen name (not the one I use for this blog), and publishers have shown an interest. There must be a market for my kind of novel somewhere. If I get published, I'll let you know :)


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