Saturday, January 31, 2009


The long wait is almost over! Well, it hasn’t been that long, but two weeks is still a long time! My lover gets to come home on Monday morning for the week.

In the past, I’ve given hints, sent articles, chatted with him online about many aspects of the spanking life for us. Sometimes he gets around to it, but most times he doesn’t.

This time, I’ve decided not to mention it at all, and over the past two weeks he’s been away, I haven’t mentioned it or given any indication that I need it. It will be interesting to see if he comes up with a session all on his own - or if he will think I've finally given up on it.

I was too disappointed last time to even have much hope for this next trip, but the old saying that “hope springs eternal” is appropriate here. I have to admit that I’ve been a bit down about it all – worrying that I’m the one with the problem and that we have a great relationship that I’m screwing up with my “need.”

Part of the problem for us is that there is always so much work to be done to catch up on what we didn’t accomplish last time. I do a lot of it between times, but I never get it all done, and certainly not the work that requires his heavy lifting ability or that the two of us need to do together. Farm work is always beckoning!

Of course (giggle), farm work also involves a lot of equipment that makes for excellent spanking devices. Now, if I can just get his mind off one use and onto another . . .

I’m afraid he thinks I’m just being silly about this most of the time. Any suggestions on how to let him know I’m really serious about this and not just being coy?

Okay – it’s time to go feed my chickens!

PW - Spanking - the complete woman’s stress reliever


  1. I can only suggest the obvious... talk with him. Sit down when the chores are done for the day, after he's maybe had a nap and is fed and well-rested, and tell him that this is more than just a little game in your mind. Ask him how he's felt about it in the past and how he perceives it working in your relationship. Offer to work together to find what works best for you BOTH, without automatically dismissing it altogether.

    Big hugs to both of you for taking this brave new step toward your future!!!! And I do hope that you get what you want as well as what you most need.


  2. The best way to get him to take you seriously is to tell him exactly how much it means to you. He might tell you he isn't interested enough to be serious, but at least he'll do so knowing it is important to you.

    He probably already knows and this is just his way of saying his interest doesn't match yours.

    Another possibility: You should visit and print him out a bunch of the great testimonials from numerous couples that say what it has meant to their relationships (unless he's willing to go to the site to read it). Ask him to read them and when he has tell him you'd like to talk about it.

    If those don't work for you come by my blog over the next few days. Starting tomorrow I am going to post one spanking coupon every day for the next 10 days. I made them to give a coupon book to my wife for Christmas. Each coupon is for a different type of spanking or choice of location, toys, etc.

    Maybe you could ask him to give them to you for Valentine's Day and then use them to fill in any gaps in your spanking for a while until he "gets in the swing" of things. ;)

  3. Your comments are very good, Dante - and thank you for taking the time to say these things. We have discussed my need, have read articles from "Taken in Hand" together, and he says it just slips his mind. In fact, he has asked me to remind him, but that feels odd to me. So I guess I really need to do that for him. I will absolutely go to your site and print out the coupons! That's a great idea and one he would get into, I think. Again, thank you for taking the time to address this!

  4. My dear Tiggs! You and Dante have given me wise words! These are all things I've considered, and didn't think it should be that big of a deal, but it obviously IS a big deal! I do plan to talk with him this next week and get back on track. He has admitted that he gets turned on by it himself, but that old bugaboo of "abuse" comes into his head. I think that is his fear more than simply not being interested. He is facing some reconstructive surgery soon, and that is probably on his mind, too. I will let you know how it all turns out after this next week. I suspect (I hope?) I'm going to be too busy to post anything! :)

  5. Hi Purple Woman:
    His visit must be getting closer now. I just wanted to come by and wish you my best for a fun visit. I think relationships that involve long distance make life more complex, and as you say, there are so many things to be done when you get together. I hope that you get to accomplish all that you desire.
    I hope all goes well with his surgery also. I am curious to hear what happens with the coupons :)
    Take care
