Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Have You Noticed....?

I don’t think I’m the only person in the whole world who becomes sexually aroused by some of the weirdest things. Have you paid attention to what leaves your belly aquiver?

. . . feeling especially satisfied about an article I’ve just written (whether in my vanilla world or my spanking world
. . . digging in my garden and coming in tired
. . . a visual image that pops into my head when I see something a bit bizarre
. . . writing this blog
. . . reading a seductive passage in a book or post that is particularly sensuous
. . . eating either a simple or gourmet meal with my lover
. . . food is and can be especially titillating
. . . thunder and lightning
. . . a bowl of fresh ginger, knowing what can be done with it
. . . my lover’s voice on the phone (sounds like liquid dark chocolate)
. . . a deep and complicated mystery novel
. . . my new red shiny sexy snakeskin (artificial) purse
. . . tight jeans
. . . my lover’s belt draped across a chair
. . . the smell of our sheets right after he’s gone home
. . . the smell of rain in the air
. . . classical guitar music (playing and listening to it)
. . . feathers and incense
. . . climbing a tree
. . . the sound of crunching gravel
. . . brie and hot homemade bread
I can’t handle any more of this. I need to take a nap.

Purple Woman - "Kinky is a relative concept."


  1. Hi Purple Woman
    You've got a great list there some of my favorite things are on that list. Tight jeans...and a man's belt...yummy. and brie with homemade bread OMG..love it and sharing the brie..is really special. Greenwoman often posts these really gorgeous pictures that are very sensual and sexy you should check out her blog.
    I hope that you get to enjoy many of the items on your list in this New Year. May all your hearts desires be filled in this New Year.
    Take Care,
    Andrades Girl

  2. There are so many more items I could have put on this list, of course! Sometimes I wonder if I'm not just perpetually turned on! Sometimes it's the weirdest things, don't you agree? And that inner feeling just sometimes pops up when I least expect it. I thought that would stop after a certain "age" but I guess arousal knows no limits.

  3. Hi Purple Woman:
    And yes I agree sometimes it's just the most unusual item. For instance I have a room spray atomizer that I find very appealing, (maybe it's the shape) and then there are some lipsticks that are very appealing and then applying the lipstick even more appealing...and the list just goes on!
    And the arousal knows no limits
    Take care,
    Andrades Girl

  4. I read somewhere that the sexiest shade of lipstick is one that matches the color of your vaginal canal. Now that's an interesting thought - and especially figuring out how to get a perfect match! LOL

  5. Hi Purple Woman:
    That's a fascinating concept. I will have to check out my lipstick colors! I wonder if they are close to the Real Thing!
    Take Care,
    Andrades Girl
