Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Grateful Tuesday – The Letter “I”

I got so busy with my semester that I almost forgot this was Tuesday!

The first two items of gratitude that came to me with this letter were internet and intimacy. If not for the internet, how else would we all have met over a common interest? And isn’t intimacy what we all long for, and receive, through spanking?

Even though I love intimacy, I also am grateful for my independence and individualism. I am fiercely independent and work to maintain my individualism, and still submit myself to my SO in many ways. The difficulty comes in trying to keep a balance in that lifestyle.

I am so grateful for the beautiful iris plants that grow in my garden. They pop out suddenly, give me a happy jolt for a few days, then they are gone.

As a psychologist, I am most grateful that I have a healthy “id” that lets me get in touch with my deeper, more animalistic Self.

It also is my goal to instill ideas in my students, provide illumination and inspiration for them to continue in their schooling. I am so grateful for the ability and opportunity to do that.

I’m grateful that I do not live in a land of ice, and that I only use ice in my glass of tea. Along with this bit of gratitude, I am exceptionally grateful that I live on a tropical island! I have lived on other islands, both in the tropics and in lands of ice. Trust me, tropical islands are better!

As odd as it may seem I’m grateful for ink! I use it to write and to draw. There is no better medium for me.

I love to listen to my intuition, something most people forget to do. When I ignore or neglect my intuition, I usually get into trouble.

Intensity is another word that came to me with the letter “i.” I’m not sure if I’m grateful for that or not – sometimes I can be too intense (according to others), but I am happy and grateful that my intensity has gotten me to where I am today.

Finally, imagination plays a major role in my life, and it was part of my gratitude for fantasy. I am so grateful that my imagination is strong and active. And when my imagination soars, I like to light incense and let the aroma flow over and around my body. Two wonderful words that go together nicely – imagination and incense.

PW - Up with feminism, down with panties

1 comment:

  1. First two alone are wonderful, aren't they? Thank you. Cleo
