Thursday, March 12, 2009

Once Upon A Time . . .

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. You know which one she was. She was the one with the curl in the middle of her forehead, and when she was good, she was very very good, but when she was bad, she was horrid!

How many of us remember that nursery rhyme? Because I was a little girl with lots of curls always hanging down in her eyes, that little ditty was said to me over and over by anyone who saw me. Little did they know what was going on in my head!

Now that I’m an adult, I recall that same rhyme and wonder if that little girl in the poem ever got the hard spanking she obviously deserved? No one ever told me what happened when she was “horrid.” Did she get away with being bad? We can all imagine what must have happened, but we were never told. It just carried a threat.

Sometimes, I like to pretend that I’m that little girl. I want to be bad, I want to be horrid enough to get a sound whipping from someone who can deliver. But it seems like I have “being good” too deeply engrained in me. I don’t think I’d know how to be a “brat,” no matter how hard I tried.

Nevertheless, I can dream, can’t I? I can fantasize about being so naughty that I’m disciplined right there in front of everyone. I can dream about having someone who cares enough about my behavior to take me in hand, keep me in line, and give me the discipline and punishment I crave.

I can pretend, but it’s not enough.

I know I should ask for what I need, but that’s so damned hard! I want it to be spontaneous, to come unexpectedly, to not see it coming. Oh, the thrill of that!

But I also need to have that feeling of anticipation, of knowing what’s coming, of having to wait until the appropriate moment when I’m taken over a knee, panties lowered, and given a hard spanking.

He will be here next week, and says he has more plans. Last visit was a new beginning and it was very good. My “gratitude Tuesday” will include him!

PW – The sweetest words to hear are these - "You are going to get a spanking when we get home, young lady!"


  1. I remember that girl and I often wondered the same thing!

    I'm with you on the anticipation of knowing it's coming, and especially of wanting it to come from him, because HE wants it.

    We are very much alike in the communication stuff, too, cause I HATE having to ask for a spanking or tell him that I feel like playing. I'd ever so much rather he come to me, for lots of reasons, some of which you touched on here.

  2. Do you like corner time?

  3. Does anyone ever really like corner time? I love the fantasy of it, but as an adult it felt awkward when it really did happen. The humiliation quality of it can be rather erotic.
